The Fitness program at Nifty after Fifty® is a clinically supervised full-body training program for mature adults, created by physicians.
Uniquely tailored to your needs, each member is offered a comprehensive health evaluation and customized workout. You will receive a fitness “key” programmed to your personal settings and provide progress reports of your fitness.
We like to think of fitness and health as a way to have fun and be social with people just like you. Over and over, people tell us the number one reason they love coming to Nifty after Fifty® is because of the people they meet and have fun with! We offer FUN classes like No Fall Volleyball®, Silver Salsa®, puzzle building, and Nifty People® events. JOIN THE FUN NOW!
The founder of Nifty after Fifty®, Sheldon S. Zinberg, M.D., recognized that many of the undesirable aspects of aging could be delayed, prevented, or even reversed. While serving as founding chairman of CareMore Medical Group, he saw that mature adults had only three choices: to die young, to become frail and dependent, or preferably to work at living a healthful, independent life for as long as possible. He became certain that almost anyone, regardless of age or level of fitness, could benefit from safe resistance and endurance training, nutritional guidance, and mental exercise. This led the energetic physician to author his first book, Win in the Second Half.
While writing this book, it became obvious that there were no fitness clubs that truly met the needs of mature adults. Since it did not exist, it had to be built. That’s what sparked the creation of Nifty after Fifty®. The most advanced fitness equipment was merged with a caring and highly skilled staff, dedicated to working with mature adults and supervising their wellness.
The scientifically developed programs at Nifty after Fifty® have been thoughtfully designed to provide a safe and comfortable environment in which mature adults can maintain or regain their strength, flexibility, balance and mental acuity.
Dr. Zinberg has often said, “It doesn’t matter how out of shape you are now. It is never too late to start! You can win in the second half!” By employing properly supervised physical and mental fitness programs, independence can be maintained, and a zest for life can be renewed.