Clinically Supervised Full-Body Fitness
Don’t just hope for a healthier life – WISH for it. WISH stands for Win In The Second Half, and it’s the driving idea behind every exercise program at Nifty after Fifty® centers.
Our unique approach to wellness for men and women in the second half of life is designed to keep you fit for years to come. The program at Nifty after Fifty Fitness™ is a clinically supervised full-body training program for mature adults, created by physicians.
At your first visit to a Nifty after Fifty center, your fitness level will be evaluated by one of our specially trained fitness coaches. They will customize your exercise program and carefully supervise your progress at each session – coaching you to a new and exciting level of vitality.
Many of our fitness coaches have advanced degrees in kinesiology, and specialized training in the needs of mature adults. They’ll assist you on equipment like Keiser® conditioning stations that use air pressure to smoothly and safely build your strength, improve your balance and increase your endurance.
Exercise your right to a healthier body
The SCIFIT® Total Body Recumbent Stepper featured in our Centers gives you a great cardio and strength workout while relieving stress on joints and your back. We also feature Power-Plate®, a revolutionary machine that improves muscle strength, bone density and flexibility with whole body vibration. Your individually customized key tells each machine exactly what workout routine to give you, so you’re constantly being monitored and evaluated.
Because equilibrium and fall prevention are so critical, we hold an array of special classes to further enhance balance, flexibility, and mobility.
SCIFIT®, Keiser® and Power Plate® are registered trademarks of their respective owners and we make no claims to these marks.